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Analog vs Digital

So, for the next 3 - 4 weeks Whitney and I only have 1 computer to share. It makes things a little difficult when I want to work on a job and she's editing photos. I decided last night this would be a great time to practice actually drawing...

I've always hid behind the computer claiming that I could only draw on the computer and not in an analog format. To some degree it's kind of true, mainly because I never try to draw with a pencil and paper. It's so easy to just sit down with photoshop and bang out graphic after graphic and easily fix mistakes with CMD+Z. After reading a blog of a fantastic illustrator or "Illustrative Designer" as he says, Von Glitschka ...
http://www.glitschka.com ... I decided it's time I change that.

Last night was my first go at becoming more than a graphic designer. While watching Food Network (which is on 75% of the time the tv is on in our house... when my career as a designer is over I plan on being a chef...) I decided to draw one of Daiden's toys. It's a bouncy zebra that he got for his birthday. Sloppy, yes. Perspective problems, oh yes. Shading Errors, Tons! However, the only way to get better is to practice. So I'm setting out on a journey over the next 3 - 4 weeks. I plan on drawing some sort of something every night. I'll be posting them here in my notes as well as on my blog I'm currently building... (you'll see it when it's finished)

Any comments you have on the subject and critiques would be most appreciated. I never went to art school, as a matter of fact, I failed art in high school because I didn't take it serious. I was going to be a professional musician, remember? Anyway, I've tagged the people I have a lot of respect for as artists, designers and so on. School me please.

I know i know... step one... get some real paper... This was very impromptu last night, plus most of our art supplies are packed up at the new house.

Peas and Carrots.

Drawing 012409


Danielle {Myrtle Beach Maternity Photographer}

Oh my goodness, this session was so fun. Dani is such a cute little mommy-to-be and she was up for just about anything. She was so awesome to work with and we got some amazing shots. I couldn't believe what a trooper she was considering she has been sick most of her pregnancy. Her husband, Chris, is stationed in Haiti right now with the Navy so she was excited to send him some photos of her adorable little pregnant self. She said he really enjoyed the photos. Dani is such a great friend and I am very excited to meet her little peanut, Hailey.

Congratulations Dani and Chris, I love you guys.

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

How adorable is this little teddy bear!?

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

I can't believe she only has 6 weeks to go and she looks so great!

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

This series of photos was so much fun.

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

And of course the kitty had to come out of hiding to check out what was going on. She had been hiding all day, until I got on the floor to take photos, then she wouldn't leave us alone.

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Look at the perfect little belly...

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

There she is, baby Hailey.

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

This is when kitty decided to take a nap on the studio setup while we were taking photos...I decided to go with it.

Dani Kinstle {Maternity}

In her nursery, she got this cute little hand painted baby wipe holder for her baby shower.
So there you have it, didn't I tell you she was gorgeous!? Next time you see her she will have a little bundle in her arms.